Saturday, 16 March 2013


One of the main variables for running a badminton event, is the shuttle cost.  How to predict the number that will be used, and controlling the supply is very difficult.  As a player, you want a new shuttle as soon as a feather gets ruffled.  As an organiser, you want the players to play with that shuttle until it's lost at least 16 feathers!

On a visit to France to play at Badmin'Tours, I discovered a new way.  

Players supply the shuttles.

This means the players are acutely aware of the cost of each shuttle used, and are more reluctant to change the shuttle.  This means the overall cost of the event to the player is up to them!  

In a tournament, this has the additional benefit that if you get to a final, you use more shuttles than a first round loser, and therefore the cost is fair to all players.

Using this approach means the Kernow Super League entry fees can be kept down, and players can control their individual shuttle cost.

From rules 14, 15, 16, 17:
  • Players must provide their own feather shuttles. If players disagree on the make or model of shuttle being used, then Yonex AS40's must be used.
  • Players must mark their shuttles with an identifying mark (a permanent marker will be available at the desk).
  • Players must take turns supplying shuttles. After spinning for serve, then spin to see which player will supply first shuttle.
  • If players disagree on whether to change a shuttle, the organiser will decide. Players must abide by that decision.